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Tsutsumi Shuzo distillery was established in 2002, when it took over an old distillery site that had been in operation since 1878. Tsutsumi Shuzo is a sibling distillery of Fusanotsuyu, and while inheriting the tradition of Kuma shochu, it also focuses on the development of liqueurs that are popular among young people and women. They may be smaller compared to Fusanotsuyu in scale but they are more flexible, which enables them to be involved in OEM (products ordered by other companies) and PB (private brand) production.

Products on Display



1,683yen 720㎖
Made with rice from Mashiki town, Kumamoto Prefecture, where it was severely damaged by the Kumamoto earthquake.  This Kuma shochu is produced with the hope for a speedy recovery.


Banpeiyu no osake

1,636yen 720㎖
A liqueur made from the juice of the world's largest citrus fruits Banpeiyu and Kuma Shochu. Popular especially among women and younger adults.

Thoughts on the Displayed Products


堤酒造 蔵人

The Secret Story of the Maker


Future Prospects for Kuma Shochu


